~The Catch-All Drawer~
Thursday, January 29, 2004
A little poetry fun.
I kinda doubt it, but this first one is supposed to be Ogden Nash,
according to the trustworthy unknown website where I found it:
There was a young lady called Harris,
That nothing could ever embarrass;
___Till the bath-salts one day
___ In the tub where she lay
Turned out to be plaster of Paris.
This one I wrote, plagiarizing from a saucy one. I just liked using the last word:
An inventive young fellow named Lodge
Had a pantry installed in his Dodge.
___When he got in the mood,
___He could have his fast food,
Without even leaving his grodge.
Ogden Nash I will never be, but it is fun to mangle words, especially about personal experiences:
When calling for toll free assistance
To get help he still had a littlechance
___Told "hold" in four languages
___He sent out for sanduages
The gent had amazing persistance.
Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Thursday, January 29, 20040 Comments: