~The Catch-All Drawer~
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Look at the most recent article in the Journal of the American Mathematics Society. Real bounds, ergodicity and negative Schwarzian for multimodal maps.
Abstract: We consider smooth multimodal maps which have finitely many non-flat critical points. We prove the existence of real bounds. From this we obtain a new proof for the non-existence of wandering intervals, derive extremely useful improved Koebe principles, show that high iterates have `negative Schwarzian derivative' and give results on ergodic properties of the map. One of the main complications in the proofs is that we allow

Am I out of touch, or what? What the blazes are they talking about? Oh, well. I do know that The circumference of a circle is its diameter times pi .
Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Saturday, November 20, 20040 Comments: