~The Catch-All Drawer~

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Cheaper, non-ms laptop?
Laptops have been overpriced since they appeared. Of course they are priced, like all goods, at the price people were willing to pay. Well things are changing as the market progresses, and here is a chink in the armor maybe.

Soon to appear at Wall-Mart and Amazon, here is a decent laptop (ie AMD1800+, 40gb hd,) for $500, 256K, CD; and add DVD and wireless at a $600 point. Notably NO MS windows, but linux and Open Office Suite. Quite workable for most users. Here is an article about the "Linare".

Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Saturday, February 05, 2005


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Cheaper, non-ms laptop?