~The Catch-All Drawer~

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Unintended Consequenses
Ad Age reports (through Buzz Machine) that:

The national "do-not-call list", now 87 million numbers strong, has had an effect on the Telemarketers, but not what they had dreaded.

Why? it seems that due to the inability to call out and intrude into our lives made them convert a big chunk of the telemarketers into actual customer service people. Some call centers now don't intrude; they handle customer relations. And the result:

It looks like they've found the shift in sales tactics has resulted in sales results as good -- or even better than -- telemarketing.

Well, DUH. Well, double-duh. It's a surprise that bothering people at home is a bad way to market? And being nice to calling customers and solving their problems works better? Duh! Who wooda thunk it.

Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Wednesday, April 13, 2005


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Unintended Consequenses