~The Catch-All Drawer~
Friday, July 29, 2005
A new term for me, but must be up-and coming. There is a display at the Victoria & Albert Royal Museum in England right now. I thought they were a Lovre type museum and only displayed classical, ancient, or historical stuff.
But this display "aims to show how fashionably designed ‘hearwear’ can be as desirable and accessible as ‘eyewear’, and will change the way people think about hearing". The exhibit includes futuristic hearing aids, prototype headsets designed to block out specific sounds and jewelry-style units that can be customized to go with your outfit or mood
I remember as a boy seeing Johnnie Ray ("Cry") sing on TV (Ed Sullivan show?) with a very obvious and wire-protruding hearing aid, hoping to make people accept hearing aids more, and not be ashamed of them. Here we are decades later and people still try to hide miniatures smaller and smaller rather than accept them as a helper like glasses. Vanity rules.
Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Friday, July 29, 20050 Comments: