~The Catch-All Drawer~

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What's black and white and smells?
Ansel Adams will turn in his grave, but Kodak has announced they will stop making black-and-white photo paper. Good news, however, they are still going to produce the chemicals and developers. I guess the people using Fuji paper will still need them.

I can still smell the Dektol and fix in Dad's darkroom in the cellar in LeRoy in the 60s. It is funny how smells have such a strong spot in memory. I would add to the smelly nostalgia list the burning leaves of fall, the smell of messy black walnut husks, the smell of the pool at the Y, vics vapo-rub, the smell of Grandma's perfume or the smell of her apartment when you first entered, and yes, it's not PC but somebody smoking a good rich pipe tobacco was always pleasing to me.

Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Wednesday, July 13, 2005


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What's black and white and smells?