~The Catch-All Drawer~

Thursday, October 20, 2005

States Rights Issue?
Sorry about this, but here is another potential time waster. But it does have such redeeming value in geography! This would be the way to teach the states, or many memorization things in the 21st century. Kids would relate to a computer game scenario, wouldn't they? I like this because it has positive feedback, and has a little bit of forgiveness for the placement. Some of this is luck, because it is easier, say, to cozy SD up to ND if it is there first, but if you have to place South Dakota on its lonesome, it is a little harder. My best of four runs was 94,12,249.

Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Thursday, October 20, 2005


Not to brag, but I got 98%, 10 mile average in the same time.

I think all those cross-country drives really helped my geography skills.

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States Rights Issue?