~The Catch-All Drawer~

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Custom background music (free)
At Pandora's, a front end of the music genome project, you can type in a song or a musician, and it creates for you your own albums of similar music (by mystical musical traits). Then it plays them on auto-pilot. I am not as sophisticated consumer of tunes as most, so I'm not the best to judge how well it works, but it seems great to me! Hey, you could use it as a free DJ for a party, actually.

I have a few "albums"; a "Roger Miller" theme, an "M Ward", a "Tommy Dorsey". For instance on the last one, it plays a selection of old and new big band things, really relevant and well chosen.

Tossed in by: R.G.B.
. . . Saturday, December 30, 2006


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Custom background music (free)